USA PATRIOT Act | USA Today | Usability |
USAF | Usagi Drop | USAID |
USB | USB 3.0 | USB flash drive |
USB телефон | USB флаш | USB Type-C |
USB Тип-C | USB-C | USD |
USDA | Use case diagram | Use Your Illusion I |
Use Your Illusion II | Usenet | User |
User Datagram Protocol | USGS | Ushort |
USP | USS (префикс) | USS Constellation (1854) |
USS Enterprise (CVN-65) | USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) | USS Indianapolis (CA-35) |
USS Midway | USS Saratoga (CV-3) | USS Scorpion (SSN-589) |
USS Саратога (CV-3) | USS Екселсиор | USS Ентърпрайз (NCC-1701-D) |
USS. Midway | USSR | Usual Suspects |
Usual suspects | USX | USX Corporation |
Ut Omnes Unum Sint | Uta stansburiana | Utah |
Utahceratops gettyi | UTC | UTC+0 |
UTC+00:00 | UTC+08:30 | UTC+0:20 |
UTC+0:30 | UTC+1 | UTC+10 |
UTC+10:00 | UTC+10:30 | UTC+11 |
UTC+11:00 | UTC+11:30 | UTC+12 |
UTC+12:00 | UTC+12:45 | UTC+13 |
UTC+13:00 | UTC+13:45 | UTC+14 |
UTC+14:00 | UTC+1:00 | UTC+2 |
UTC+2:00 | UTC+3 | UTC+3:00 |
UTC+3:30 | UTC+4 | UTC+4:00 |
UTC+4:30 | UTC+4:51 | UTC+5 |
UTC+5:00 | UTC+5:30 | UTC+5:40 |
UTC+5:45 | UTC+6 | UTC+6:00 |
UTC+6:30 | UTC+7 | UTC+7:00 |
UTC+7:20 | UTC+7:30 | UTC+8 |
UTC+8:00 | UTC+8:30 | UTC+8:45 |
UTC+9 | UTC+9:00 | UTC+9:30 |
UTC-0:25 | UTC-0:44 | UTC-1 |
UTC-10 | UTC-10:00 | UTC-11 |
UTC-11:00 | UTC-12 | UTC-12:00 |
UTC-1:00 | UTC-2 | UTC-2:00 |
UTC-2:30 | UTC-3 | UTC-3:00 |
UTC-3:30 | UTC-4 | UTC-4:00 |
UTC-4:30 | UTC-5 | UTC-5:00 |
UTC-6 | UTC-6:00 | UTC-7 |
UTC-7:00 | UTC-8 | UTC-8:00 |
UTC-9 | UTC-9:00 | UTC-9:30 |
UTC0 | UTF-16 | UTF-32 |
UTF-8 | Utopia (песен на Уидин Темптейшън) | Utricularia |
Utricularia aurea | Utricularia australis | Utricularia cecilii |
Utricularia minor | Utricularia vulgaris | Utterbackia imbecillis |
UTZ Certified | UTZ CERTIFIED | UV |
UVERworld | Uzi | مارمولک |
مستخدم:Lucien leGrey | مصر. | V |
V (албум) | V (латиница) | V Empire or Dark Faerytales in Phallustein |
V Обикновено народно събрание | V в. пр. н. е. | V век |
V век пр. Хр. | V век пр.н.е. | V велико народно събрание |
V династия | V като вендета | V като Вендета |
V конгрес на БКП | V летни олимпийски игри | V легион "Чучулигите" |
V легион „Чучулигите“ | V народно събрание | V образен двигател |
V обикновено народно събрание | V Македонски легион | V Велико народно събрание |
V Легион Македоника | V-1 | V-2 |
V-22 Оспри | V-A характеристика | V-Klasse |
V-Ray | V-класа | V-образен двигател |
V12 двигател | V354 Цефей | V6 двигател |
V8 | V8 двигател | Va banque |
Va Va Voom | Vacantis Apostolicae Sedis | Vaccinium |
Vaccinium arctostaphylos | Vaccinium myrtillus | Vaccinium stamineum |
Vaccinium uliginosum | Vaccinium vitis-idaea | Vachellia rigidula |
Vader | Vailima stevensoni | Vaillantella maassi |
Vaimosa balteata | Vaimosa brocki | Vaimosa cardonensis |
Vaimosa horiae | Vaimosa koumansi | Vaimosa macrognatha |
Vaimosa macrognathos | Vaimosa macrognathus | Vaimosa sapanga |
VAIO | Val Kilmer | Valérie Kaprisky |
Valdemaria danae | Valdivia camerani | Valdivia cucutensis |
Valdivia oronensis | Valdivia serrata | Vale tudo |
Valencia hispanica | Valencia Street Circuit | Valeriana officinalis |
Valerianaceae | Valerie Kaprisky | Valetudo |
Valiant | Valley of the Kings | Valley of the Shadows |
Vallonia allamanica | Vallonia declivis | Vallonia enniensis |
Vallonia suevica | Valonia ventricosa | Valorant |
Value at risk | Value At Risk | Valvata bicarinata |
Valvata cristata | Valvata lewisi | Valvata macrostoma |
Valvata piscinalis | Valvata saulcyi | Valvata sibirica |
Valvata sincera | Valvata tricarinata | Valvata virens |
Valve | Valve Corporation | Vampire Knight |
Vampyressa bidens | Vampyressa brocki | Vampyressa melissa |
Vampyressa thyone | Vampyriscus bidens | Vampyrodes caraccioli |
Vampyroteuthis | Vampyroteuthis infernalis | Vampyrum |
Vampyrum spectrum | Vampyrus | Vampyrus auritus |
Vampyrus spectrum | Van Canto | Van Halen |
Van Morrison | Vanda | Vandeae |
Vandeleuria oleracea | Vandijkophrynus amatolicus | Vanellus |
Vanellus albiceps | Vanellus armatus | Vanellus cayanus |
Vanellus chilensis | Vanellus cinereus | Vanellus coronatus |
Vanellus crassirostris | Vanellus duvaucelii | Vanellus gregarius |
Vanellus indicus | Vanellus leucurus | Vanellus lugubris |
Vanellus macropterus | Vanellus malabaricus | Vanellus melanocephalus |
Vanellus melanopterus | Vanellus miles | Vanellus senegallus |
Vanellus spinosus | Vanellus superciliosus | Vanellus tectus |
Vanellus tricolor | Vanellus vanellus | Vanessa antiopa |
Vanessa atalanta | Vanessa cardui | Vanessa Marcil |
Vanessa virginiensis | Vanga | Vanga curvirostris |
Vangelis | Vangidae | Vanilia planifolia |